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Initialization and finalization


Before to use any functionality, AmanithSVG must be initialized by calling svgtInit function:

    Initialize the library.
    This function does not set the last-error code (see svgtGetLastError).

    Return SVGT_NO_ERROR if the operation was completed successfully, else
    an error code.
    NB: in multi-thread applications, this function must be called once, before
    any created/spawned thread makes use of the library functions.
SVGTErrorCode svgtInit(SVGTuint screenWidth,
                       SVGTuint screenHeight,
                       SVGTfloat dpi);

The function takes as input the information relative to the device screen: width/height (in pixels) and dpi (dots per inch). Such information are used to resolve SVG lengths when expressed in percentage; the best way to obtain screen information is to use native calls:


screenWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
screenHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
dpi = GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSX);


NSRect r;
NSScreen* screen = [NSScreen mainScreen];
NSDictionary* description = [screen deviceDescription];
NSSize displayPixelSize = [[description objectForKey:NSDeviceSize] sizeValue];
CGSize displayPhysicalSize = CGDisplayScreenSize([[description objectForKey:@"NSScreenNumber"] unsignedIntValue]);

r.origin.x = 0;
r.origin.y = 0;
r.size.width = displayPixelSize.width;
r.size.height = displayPixelSize.height;
// take care of Retina display
r = [screen convertRectToBacking :r];
screenWidth = r.size.width;
screenHeight = r.size.height;
// 25.4 millimetres in an inch
dpi = ((r.size.width / displayPhysicalSize.width) * 25.4f)

Linux X11

Display* display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
int screen = DefaultScreen(display);
screenWidth = DisplayWidth(display, screen);
screenHeight = DisplayHeight(display, screen);
// 25.4 millimetres in an inch
dpi = ((screenWidth / DisplayWidthMM(display, screen)) * 25.4f);


DisplayMetrics metrics = view.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
screenWidth = metrics.widthPixels;
screenHeight = metrics.heightPixels;
dpi = metrics.xdpi;


CGRect screenRect = [[UIScreen mainScreen] nativeBounds];
screenWidth = screenRect.size.width;
screenHeight = screenRect.size.height;
// calculate dpi according to the actual device
struct utsname systemInfo;
NSString* code = [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSDictionary* deviceNamesByCode = @{
    // 1st Gen
    @"iPhone1,1"  :@163,
    // 3G
    @"iPhone1,2"  :@163,
    // 3GS
    @"iPhone2,1"  :@163,
    // 4
    @"iPhone3,1"  :@326,
    @"iPhone3,2"  :@326,
    @"iPhone3,3"  :@326,
    // 4S
    @"iPhone4,1"  :@326,
    // 5
    @"iPhone5,1"  :@326,
    @"iPhone5,2"  :@326,
    // 5c
    @"iPhone5,3"  :@326,
    @"iPhone5,4"  :@326,
    // 5s
    @"iPhone6,1"  :@326,
    @"iPhone6,2"  :@326,
    // 6 Plus
    @"iPhone7,1"  :@401,
    // 6
    @"iPhone7,2"  :@326,
    // 6s
    @"iPhone8,1"  :@326,
    // 6s Plus
    @"iPhone8,2"  :@401,
    // SE
    @"iPhone8,4"  :@326,
    // 7
    @"iPhone9,1"  :@326,
    @"iPhone9,3"  :@326,
    // 7 Plus
    @"iPhone9,2"  :@401,
    @"iPhone9,4"  :@401,
    // 8
    @"iPhone10,1" :@326,
    @"iPhone10,4" :@326,
    // 8 Plus
    @"iPhone10,2" :@401,
    @"iPhone10,5" :@401,
    // X
    @"iPhone10,3" :@458,
    @"iPhone10,6" :@458,
    // XR
    @"iPhone11,8" :@326,
    // XS
    @"iPhone11,2" :@458,
    // XS Max
    @"iPhone11,4" :@458,
    @"iPhone11,6" :@458,
    // 11
    @"iPhone12,1" :@326,
    // 11 Pro
    @"iPhone12,3" :@458,
    // 11 Pro Max
    @"iPhone12,5" :@458,
    // SE 2
    @"iPhone12,8" :@326,
    // 12 mini
    @"iPhone13,1" :@476,
    // 12
    @"iPhone13,2" :@460,
    // 12 Pro
    @"iPhone13,3" :@460,
    // 12 Pro Max
    @"iPhone13,4" :@458,
    // 13 mini
    @"iPhone14,4" :@476,
    // 13
    @"iPhone14,5" :@460,
    // 13 Pro
    @"iPhone14,2" :@460,
    // 13 Pro Max
    @"iPhone14,3" :@458,
    // SE 3rd Gen
    @"iPhone14,6" :@326,
    // 14
    @"iPhone14,7" :@460,
    // 14 Plus
    @"iPhone14,8" :@458,
    // 14 Pro
    @"iPhone15,2" :@460,
    // 14 Pro Max
    @"iPhone15,3" :@460,
    // 1
    @"iPad1,1"    :@132,
    // 2
    @"iPad2,1"    :@132,
    @"iPad2,2"    :@132,
    @"iPad2,3"    :@132,
    @"iPad2,4"    :@132,
    // Mini
    @"iPad2,5"    :@163,
    @"iPad2,6"    :@163,
    @"iPad2,7"    :@163,
    // 3
    @"iPad3,1"    :@264,
    @"iPad3,2"    :@264,
    @"iPad3,3"    :@264,
    // 4
    @"iPad3,4"    :@264,
    @"iPad3,5"    :@264,
    @"iPad3,6"    :@264,
    // Air
    @"iPad4,1"    :@264,
    @"iPad4,2"    :@264,
    @"iPad4,3"    :@264,
    // Mini 2
    @"iPad4,4"    :@326,
    @"iPad4,5"    :@326,
    @"iPad4,6"    :@326,
    // Mini 3
    @"iPad4,7"    :@326,
    @"iPad4,8"    :@326,
    @"iPad4,9"    :@326,
    // Mini 4
    @"iPad5,1"    :@326,
    @"iPad5,2"    :@326,
    // Air 2
    @"iPad5,3"    :@264,
    @"iPad5,4"    :@264,
    // Pro 12.9-inch
    @"iPad6,7"    :@264,
    @"iPad6,8"    :@264,
    // Pro 9.7-inch
    @"iPad6,3"    :@264,
    @"iPad6,4"    :@264,
    // iPad 5th Gen, 2017
    @"iPad6,11"   :@264,
    @"iPad6,12"   :@264,
    // Pro 12.9-inch, 2017
    @"iPad7,1"    :@264,
    @"iPad7,2"    :@264,
    // Pro 10.5-inch, 2017
    @"iPad7,3"    :@264,
    @"iPad7,4"    :@264,
    // iPad 6th Gen, 2018
    @"iPad7,5"    :@264,
    @"iPad7,6"    :@264,
    // iPad Pro 3rd Gen 11-inch, 2018
    @"iPad8,1"    :@264,
    @"iPad8,3"    :@264,
    // iPad Pro 3rd Gen 11-inch 1TB, 2018
    @"iPad8,2"    :@264,
    @"iPad8,4"    :@264,
    // iPad Pro 3rd Gen 12.9-inch, 2018
    @"iPad8,5"    :@264,
    @"iPad8,7"    :@264,
    // iPad Pro 3rd Gen 12.9-inch 1TB, 2018
    @"iPad8,6"    :@264,
    @"iPad8,8"    :@264,
    // iPad Pro 4rd Gen 11-inch, 2020
    @"iPad8,9"    :@264,
    @"iPad8,10"   :@264,
    // iPad Pro 4rd Gen 12.9-inch, 2020
    @"iPad8,11"   :@264,
    @"iPad8,12"   :@264,
    // Mini 5
    @"iPad11,1"   :@326,
    @"iPad11,2"   :@326,
    // Air 3
    @"iPad11,3"   :@264,
    @"iPad11,4"   :@264,
    // iPad 8th Gen, 2020
    @"iPad11,6"   :@264,
    @"iPad11,7"   :@264,
    // Air 4
    @"iPad13,1"   :@264,
    @"iPad13,2"   :@264,
    // iPad Pro 3rd Gen 11-inch, 2021
    @"iPad13,4"   :@264,
    @"iPad13,5"   :@264,
    @"iPad13,6"   :@264,
    @"iPad13,7"   :@264,
    // iPad Pro 5th Gen 12.9-inch, 2021
    @"iPad13,8"   :@264,
    @"iPad13,9"   :@264,
    @"iPad13,10"  :@264,
    @"iPad13,11"  :@264,
    // Air 5, 2022
    @"iPad13,16"  :@264,
    @"iPad13,17"  :@264,
    // iPad Pro 3rd Gen 11-inch, 2021
    @"iPad13,4"   :@264,
    @"iPad13,5"   :@264,
    @"iPad13,6"   :@264,
    @"iPad13,7"   :@264,
    // iPad Pro 5th Gen 12.9-inch, 2021
    @"iPad13,8"   :@264,
    @"iPad13,9"   :@264,
    @"iPad13,10"  :@264,
    @"iPad13,11"  :@264,
    // Air 5, 2022
    @"iPad13,16"  :@264,
    @"iPad13,17"  :@264,
    // mini 6
    @"iPad14,1"   :@326,
    @"iPad14,2"   :@326,
    // iPad 9th Gen, 2021
    @"iPad12,1"   :@264,
    @"iPad12,2"   :@264,
    // iPad 10th Gen, 2022
    @"iPad13,18"  :@264,
    @"iPad13,19"  :@264,
    // iPad Pro 4th Gen 11-inch, 2022
    @"iPad14,3"   :@264,
    @"iPad14,4"   :@264,
    // iPad Pro 6th Gen 12.9-inch, 2022
    @"iPad14,5"   :@264,
    @"iPad14,6"   :@264,
    // 1st Gen
    @"iPod1,1"    :@163,
    // 2nd Gen
    @"iPod2,1"    :@163,
    // 3rd Gen
    @"iPod3,1"    :@163,
    // 4th Gen
    @"iPod4,1"    :@326,
    // 5th Gen
    @"iPod5,1"    :@326,
    // 6th Gen
    @"iPod7,1"    :@326,
    // 7th Gen
    @"iPod9,1"    :@326

dpi = [[deviceNamesByCode objectForKey:code] integerValue];
if (!dpi) {
    SVGTfloat scale = 1.0f;
    if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] respondsToSelector:@selector(scale)]) {
        scale = [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale];
    // dpi estimation (not accurate)
    if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {
        dpi = 132.0f * scale;
    if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone) {
        dpi = 163.0f * scale;
    else {
        dpi = 160.0f * scale;


screenWidth =;
screenHeight =;
dpi =;

NB: the svgtInit function returns a SVGT_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR error code if one of the passed parameters is less or equal to zero.


Before to start the creation of SVG documents, drawing surfaces and begin drawing operations, some configuration parameters can be passed to the library. In the detail, it is possible to:

    Configure parameters and thresholds for the AmanithSVG library.
    This function does not set the last-error code (see svgtGetLastError).

    This function can be called at any time, but it will have effect only if:

    - the library has not been already initialized by a previous call to
      svgtInit, or
    - the library has been already initialized (i.e. svgtInit has been already
      called) but no other functions, except for svgtMaxCurrentThreads,
      svgtSurfaceMaxDimension, svgtFontResourceSet, have been called.

    When 'config' refers to an integer parameter, the given 'value' is converted
    to an integer using a mathematical floor operation.

    This function returns:

    - SVGT_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if the specified value is not valid for the
      given configuration parameter

    - SVGT_NO_ERROR if the library has been already initialized
      and one or more functions different than svgtMaxCurrentThreads,
      svgtSurfaceMaxDimension, svgtFontResourceSet, have been called.
      In this case the function does nothing: by calling svgtConfigGet, you
      will get back the same value that the configuration parameter had
      before the call to svgtConfigSet.

    - SVGT_NO_ERROR in all other cases (i.e. in case of success).
SVGTErrorCode svgtConfigSet(SVGTConfig config,
                            SVGTfloat value);

Certain SVGTConfig values refer to read-only parameters (e.g. SVGT_CONFIG_MAX_SURFACE_DIMENSION). Calling svgtConfigSet on these parameters has no effect (SVGT_NO_ERROR is returned).

    Get the current value relative to the specified configuration parameter.
    This function does not set the last-error code (see svgtGetLastError).

    If the given parameter is invalid (i.e. it does not correspond to any
    value of the SVGTConfig enum type), a negative number is returned.
SVGTfloat svgtConfigGet(SVGTConfig config);

Through svgtConfigGet it is also possible to get the value of some read-only parameters:

    Set the system / user-agent language.
    This function does not set the last-error code (see svgtGetLastError).

    The given argument must be a non-NULL, non-empty list of languages
    separated by semicolon (e.g. en-US;en-GB;it;es)

    This function can be called at any time, but it will have effect only if:

    - the library has not been already initialized by a previous call to
      svgtInit, or
    - the library has been already initialized (i.e. svgtInit has been already
      called) but no other functions, except for svgtMaxCurrentThreads,
      svgtSurfaceMaxDimension, svgtConfigGet, svgtConfigSet, svgtResourceSet
      have been called.

    This function returns:

    - SVGT_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if the given string is NULL or empty

    - SVGT_NO_ERROR if the library has been already initialized
      and one or more functions different than svgtMaxCurrentThreads,
      svgtSurfaceMaxDimension, svgtResourceSet, have been called.
      In this case the function does nothing.

    - SVGT_NO_ERROR in all other cases (i.e. in case of success).

    NB: the library starts with a default "en" (generic English).
SVGTErrorCode svgtLanguageSet(const char* languages);
    Get the maximum number of different threads that can "work" (e.g. create
    surfaces, create documents and draw them) concurrently.
    This function does not set the last-error code (see svgtGetLastError).

    In multi-thread applications, each thread can only draw documents it has
    created, on surfaces it has created. In other words, a thread cannot
    draw a document created by another thread or on surfaces belonging to
    other threads.

    The function can be called at any time and always returns a valid value.

    NB: this is a shortcut to svgtConfigGet(SVGT_CONFIG_MAX_CURRENT_THREADS)
    and may be removed in the future.
SVGTuint svgtMaxCurrentThreads(void);

WARNING this function is a shortcut to svgtConfigGet(SVGT_CONFIG_MAX_CURRENT_THREADS) and may be removed in the future.

    Instruct the library about an external resource.
    All resources must be specified in advance after the call to svgtInit
    and before to create/spawn threads (i.e. no other functions, except
    for svgtMaxCurrentThreads, svgtSurfaceMaxDimension, svgtConfigGet,
    svgtConfigSet, svgtLanguageSet have been called).

    This function does not set the last-error code (see svgtGetLastError).

    'id' must be a not-empty null-terminated string.

    'buffer' must point to a read-only area containing the resource file.
    Such read-only buffer must be a valid and immutable memory area
    throughout the whole life of the application that uses the library.
    In multi-thread applications the 'buffer' memory must be accessible
    (readable) by all threads.

    'type' specifies the type of resource.

    'hints' must be a valid bitwise OR of values from the SVGTResourceHint

    If a previous resource has been specified with the given 'id', the new
    provided 'buffer' pointer is used.

    This function returns:

    - SVGT_NOT_INITIALIZED_ERROR if the library has not yet been initialized
      (see svgtInit)

    - SVGT_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if 'id' is NULL or an empty string

    - SVGT_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if 'buffer' is NULL or if 'bufferSize' is zero

    - SVGT_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if 'type' is not a valid value from the
      SVGTResourceType enumeration

    - SVGT_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if 'hints' is not a bitwise OR of values from
      the SVGTResourceHint enumeration

      'hints' is different than zero

      given buffer does not contain a valid font file

      the given buffer does not contain a valid bitmap file

    - SVGT_NO_ERROR if the operation was completed successfully

    NB: vector fonts like OTF, TTF and WOFF are supported, bitmap fonts are not
    supported; as for images, only JPEG and PNG are supported (16 bits PNG are
    not supported).
SVGTErrorCode svgtResourceSet(const char* id,
                              const SVGTubyte* buffer,
                              SVGTuint bufferSize,
                              SVGTResourceType type,
                              SVGTbitfield hints);

The types of supported resource are defined by the enumeration type SVGTResourceType.

Resource typeNotes
SVGT_RESOURCE_TYPE_FONTResource is a font (vector fonts like OTF, TTF and WOFF are supported, bitmap fonts are not supported)
SVGT_RESOURCE_TYPE_IMAGEResource is a bitmap/image (only JPEG and PNG are supported; 16 bits PNG are not supported)

SVG generic font families are a fallback mechanism, a means of preserving some of the SVG author’s intent when none of the specified fonts are available. svgtResourceSet functions allows to tag some of the provided font resources as corresponding to one (or more) generic family name. The hints parameter is a bitwise or of values from the SVGTResourceHint enumeration:

Resource hintNotes
SVGT_RESOURCE_HINT_DEFAULT_SERIF_FONTFont resource must be selected when the font-family attribute matches the serif generic family
SVGT_RESOURCE_HINT_DEFAULT_SANS_SERIF_FONTFont resource must be selected when the font-family attribute matches the sans-serif generic family
SVGT_RESOURCE_HINT_DEFAULT_MONOSPACE_FONTFont resource must be selected when the font-family attribute matches the monospace generic family
SVGT_RESOURCE_HINT_DEFAULT_CURSIVE_FONTFont resource must be selected when the font-family attribute matches the cursive generic family
SVGT_RESOURCE_HINT_DEFAULT_FANTASY_FONTFont resource must be selected when the font-family attribute matches the fantasy generic family
SVGT_RESOURCE_HINT_DEFAULT_SYSTEM_UI_FONTFont resource must be selected when the font-family attribute matches the system-ui generic family
SVGT_RESOURCE_HINT_DEFAULT_UI_SERIF_FONTFont resource must be selected when the font-family attribute matches the ui-serif generic family
SVGT_RESOURCE_HINT_DEFAULT_UI_SANS_SERIF_FONTFont resource must be selected when the font-family attribute matches the ui-sans-serif generic family
SVGT_RESOURCE_HINT_DEFAULT_UI_MONOSPACE_FONTFont resource must be selected when the font-family attribute matches the ui-monospace generic family
SVGT_RESOURCE_HINT_DEFAULT_UI_ROUNDED_FONTFont resource must be selected when the font-family attribute matches the ui-rounded generic family
SVGT_RESOURCE_HINT_DEFAULT_EMOJI_FONTFont resource must be selected when the font-family attribute matches the emoji generic family
SVGT_RESOURCE_HINT_DEFAULT_MATH_FONTFont resource must be selected when the font-family attribute matches the math generic family
SVGT_RESOURCE_HINT_DEFAULT_FANGSONG_FONTFont resource must be selected when the font-family attribute matches the fangsong generic family


Once finished to use AmanithSVG functionalities, it is advisable to call the svgtDone function, in order to be sure that all allocated SVG resources will be freed.

    Destroy the library, freeing all allocated resources.
    This function does not set the last-error code (see svgtGetLastError).

    In multi-thread applications, this function must be called once, when all
    created/spawned threads have finished using the library functions.
void svgtDone(void);